Marketing Your Business:
What worked and what hasn't worked?
Join us for an interactive discussion about the best (and worst) marketing practices. This is the premiere of the ACE Virtual Roundtable. ACE Virtual Roundtables is a new monthly offering available to members as well as invited guests*.
ACE Virtual Roundtables are not webinars - they are interactive sessions so please come prepared to talk (or type). Being on video is not required, so turn your camera on or leave it is up to you. These sessions will not be recorded, but a summary will be made available via the ACE members' Facebook group.
Pre-registration is not necessary. Just mark your calendars and join us!
*Guests may attend two virtual roundtables for free. We hope they will see the value and join the association.
Organizer and Facilitator:
Theresa Peek moved to DownEast Maine from Houston Texas. As part of the move, she started Peek Learning Consultants, specializing in learning and development, organizational development, and HR consulting, which is her professional background. Living in Perry (Washington County) has been great for her and her husband, but she does miss the professional connections she had in Houston. Unfortunately living in Perry means she's over four hours from ACE's breakfast meetings. Since Theresa has worked for global companies and has done a lot of virtual training, she is excited to kick off ACE's first Virtual Roundtable.
All members will be sent a link to access the meeting via email. If you are a non-member but would like to attend, please email Judi Jones and let her know. She will provide you with the login information.
If you have not used Zoom before, please plan to login and make sure all is working about 10 minutes prior to the start.
Other Tips:
1. Attendees may use webcams and microphones.
2. If you are attending on a smartphone (Android or iPhone) or on a tablet, you will need to download the Zoom app before starting.
3. Please login a few minutes before the meeeting to make sure you are connecting properly. Use an up-to-date browser such as Chrome or Firefox.